I agree to pay the full academic year fee as during the admission process on or before physical
admission to the hostel.
The hostel fees are inclusive of stay, food, cleaning, repair & maintenance, wi-fi and transport at pre-
defined timings (if applicable)
In the event, I fail to pay the accommodation fee by the given due date I will be liable to pay the late
payment charges of Rs. 100/- per day. I also understand that I shall not withdraw my/wards admission
from the Residential Accommodation in mid of the academic year and if I leave in mid of the session, I
agree to pay the full charges before vacating and will complete the exit procedure as per the policy of
MOJO Campus. In case if I fail to clear the dues before vacating, MOJO Campus can initiate legal
action against me as per the law. I also understand that the fee submitted is non-refundable and non-
I / My Ward have read the contents and policies mentioned and understand its provisions. I hereby undertake to
abide by the rules and regulations and other guidelines that the management shall make from time to time. I am
aware that I / My Ward may be debarred from MOJO Campus on following grounds:
1. Non-payment of the MOJO Campus dues
2. Not adhering the MOJO Campus rules
3. Damaging MOJO Campus property
4. Possession, use and / or distribution of Substance of abuse, Consumption of Alcohol
5. Using unfair means in the Housing and College
6. Conduct / Act harmful to other students
7. Theft or extortion of money / Items
8. Bullying, assaulting and ragging in any form
I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that the information provided by me in application form is true to the
best of my knowledge.